Square Watermelons

Time will tell if people refuse them because of their new shape, or will openly accept them. For many, it may take some getting used to. And there will likely be some who will never accept anything but an oblong watermelon, because, that is the way a watermelon is supposed to be. The ironclad mindset is one reason it is so hard for some to venture very far away from the box. Just remember, because something is different, does not mean it is wrong.
Are you attempting to grow any "square watermelons" in your organization? Or are your metaphorical watermelons (be they processes, products, packaging or whatever) always going to be oblong and bulky, because they have always been that way. Give that some serious thought. Who knows - your customers might be longing for you to provide unique and exciting value to them by "squaring up" a few things.
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