Monday, December 17, 2007

Neiman Marcus

Neiman Marcus, the upscale retail department store, is celebrating its 100 year anniversary this year. One of the things the store is known for is The Christmas Book, a unique and extravagant collection of gifts, from a camel to a mini submarine. I'm not sure how many of the catalog items are sold, but they are sure fun to read about. Let's just say, it is not your typical wish book!

During his life, Stanley Marcus served as both president and chairman of the company. He was known for being able to spot the very best in fashion, a characteristic for which Neiman Marcus has long been admired - and a vital reason for their success. With his great eye for fashion, Stanley once offered the following observation:
Designers have to be free to use new materials, imaginatively, in fresh manners with fresh techniques, without tradition saying you can't do this or you can't do that.
Based on this perspective, it is quite likely that Mr. Marcus did not run his business from inside of any kind of box. The box for him was a convenient container for protecting an elegant gift, not a convenient excuse for restricting novel thinking. Maybe it was his total disregard for the box, that resulted in the company's growth, their fashion savvy, their remarkable brand and yes, even The Christmas Book.

We believe that Stanley's comment about designers applies equally for associates. (In fact, re-read his statement above using the word associates instead of designers.) Perhaps heeding his advice in this light might help your organization accomplish similar successes.


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